
The Study Abroad Center is located in 1100 Student Services Building II (campus map or google map).

The closest parking is the Student Center Parking Structure (SCPS) – campus map or google map.

Utilize the UCI Visitor Information for additional resources on parking, etc.

Driving Directions

Set your navigation to the UCI Student Center Parking Structure.  Parking permits may be purchased from the attendant stationed in the kiosk. Parking costs may be found on the UCI Parking web site.

Exit the parking structure facing the Student Center.  Enter the Student Center and go up the stairs (or take the elevator to level 2).  Exit the Student Center building into the Student Center patio.  Continue walking through the patio, past the ATM machines (on your left), and you will see Student Services II directly in front of you.

UCI Student Services 2 BuildingThe Study Abroad Center is located in 1100 Student Services II. Walk up the first, small flight of stairs and we are the first door on the left.