Complete Physics Abroad

The below UCEAP summer program has been approved by UCI Physics for UCI students to fulfill lower division physics courses as outlined on the chart below. It’s always advisable that you work with an Academic Counselor in your major to ensure how these requirements will count towards your degree. The physics series abroad is rigorous, regardless of location. Please be advised that the course will be fast-paced and the study time required will be significant.

UCEAP CountryUCEAP Summer ProgramWhat does it fulfill at UCI?
EnglandSussex Summer PhysicsPhysics 3A & 3B & 3C & 3LB & 3LC


Physics 7C & 7D & 7E & 7LC & 7LD
IrelandDublin Summer PhysicsPhysics 3A & 3B & 3LB & 3LC


Physics 7C & 7E & 7LC
ScotlandGlasgow Summer Physics - Life SciencesPhysics 3A & 3B & 3LB & 3LC


Physics 7C & 7D & 7LC & 7LD
ScotlandGlasgow Summer Physics - Engineers
Engineering majors are encouraged to choose this option between the two Scotland summer programs.
Physics 3A & 3B & 3LB & 3LC


Physics 7C & 7D & 7LC & 7LD