UCEAP Application Details & Deadlines

You must also submit your UCEAP Application through the UCEAP Portal by the deadlines in the chart below. UCEAP Applications are processed on a rolling basis and can take 3-4 weeks after you submit your application to find out if you are nominated. The timing of your official acceptance by UCEAP or the host university varies but is typically the quarter before departure.

For the UCEAP programs marked as Limited Capacity in the chart below:

* YES = the program can only accept a fixed number of applicants. Qualified applicants are accepted on a first-come-first-served basis, determined by the date and time you submit a complete UCEAP Application, until the program reaches capacity. Apply as soon as possible once the application opens. You can start working on a campus approval/application for your second choice option but do not submit it. We will work with you on submitting it if you are not accepted into your first choice.

* NO = the program has plenty of space for all qualified applicants. There is no rush to apply – just submit by the deadline.

PLEASE NOTE OF CHANGES TO SOME LIMITED CAPACITY PROGRAMS – a few programs in Australia, Chile, Denmark, England, and France have now been changed to limited capacity. These updates have been made in the hart below. PLEASE review the UCEAP Deadlines chart below to ensure you’re aware of whether your program of interest in limited capacity or not.