UCDC Information Session

Zoom Meeting UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, United States

UCDC’s mission is to provide the highest quality experiential learning program for UC undergraduates by offering professional development and internship opportunities that help inform students' transition from study to professional practice. Students from all majors have the opportunity to gain valuable on-the-job experience with professionals and experts in fields that interest them. From working on [...]

Chinese Names Pronunciation Workshop

Zoom Meeting UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, United States

Do you find yourself working with many Chinese students? Are you interested in learning how to better pronounce their names? This workshop will help you understand the basics of Chinese sounds in the context of commonly used Chinese names. Learn the fundamentals of reading Chinese-Mandarin names and practice with native-speaking staff members and students of [...]

El Mundo Es Tuyo: Global Learning for Latinx/e/@ Students

Online , United States

Find out what studying abroad as a Latinx/e/@ student is like! This session will cover the benefits and challenges of studying abroad, finances, fitting studying abroad into your degree plan, discussing on race & identity from a different cultural context, and the experiences of other fellow Latinx/e/@ students who have studied abroad. Register for the [...]

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