How Parents Can Help
Welcome UCI Families!
Study abroad can be an exciting and unique chapter in a UCI student’s undergraduate education. Moreover, for many students, study abroad is a life-changing experience, a time of tremendous academic and personal growth.
Students are sometimes reluctant to study abroad (and parents are sometimes reluctant to support their child’s decision to study abroad) because they are concerned about missing out on the complete UCI experience. Based on reports from students, we can assure you that studying abroad enhances rather than detracts from the UCI experience.
What do students say after they’ve studied abroad? Just a glance at study abroad evaluations reveals that UCI students almost universally recommend their study abroad experiences. They return from their time abroad with fresh perspectives on their UCI experience–academically energized and possessing a broader perspective on the world and their own life, academic and otherwise.
We encourage you to explore this website to learn more about studying abroad in the context of a UCI education. You can help your son or daughter as they embarks on this journey by becoming informed about various issues, including UCI’s study abroad policies and procedures, health and safety, cultural adjustment, etc.
For further information on how you can become more familiar with study abroad, its value for your son or daughter, and to answer some questions you may have, please consult the following resources. Please look for articles and books written by Allan E. Goodman, the president and chief executive of Institute of International Education – author of “A Parent’s Guide to Study Abroad,” and Stacie Nevadomski Berdan, an international careers expert, are the co-authors of “A Student Guide to Study Abroad.” You may also find NAFSA: Association of International Educators resources for parents useful.
Feel free to request information about specific programs and to contact the UCI Study Abroad Center with any questions you may have.