Go Abroad Fair
Information for Providers
Monday, November 18, 2024
Emerald Bay Conference Room, Student Center

UCI welcomes providers of study, work, volunteer, internship, teaching, and research abroad programs to participate in UCI’s Go Abroad Fair organized by the Study Abroad Center (SAC).
A fair registration fee of $250 will cover:
- Fair Coordination, Promotion, and Marketing
- 1 Campus Parking Permit
- Continental Breakfast & Coffee
- 1 Lunch Delivered to Your Table
- Easy Check-in
- Table & Chair set-up
- Free wi-fi access
To participate in UCI’s Go ABROAD Fair please follow the instructions below:
1) Email studyabroad@uci.edu to let us know you wish to register for this year’s fair. We will send you an e-mail with a link to our online registration form and important details about the fair. Space providing, we should be able to accommodate interested providers that offer opportunities to study, work, volunteer, intern or teach abroad.
2) Complete online registration and submit payment on or before the provided deadline. Registration is not finalized until online registration is complete AND payment is received.
3) Plan ahead! Prepare for your stay:
Accommodations, Transportation & Maps
Check out the UCI Visitors web page for all your visiting needs. Note: Many of the hotels on this page offer special UCI rates and a complimentary shuttle to and from UCI and the John Wayne airport). Access UCI’s various maps to help you find your way around Orange County and UCI. When looking at the Main Campus map: the fair’s location is the Emerald Bay Room in the Student Center (#113 on the campus map).We look forward to welcoming you to UCI! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.