On-Campus Housing for Undergraduate Students 25 Years of Age and Older

OPTION 1: Undergraduate EAP Reciprocity students apply for on-campus housing at UC Irvine as “New Transfer” students. As a Transfer student who is 25 years of age or older, you are eligible to apply for Graduate Student housing in Palo Verde and Verano Place as described in the On-Campus Housing for Graduate Students section. Please note that only students who will be at UCI for the full academic year (fall, winter, and spring quarters) are eligible. Please also note that preference in priority spaces is given to Graduate Students. Spaces in these communities are limited. Read the details in the On-Campus Housing for Graduate Students section for more information.

OPTION 2: Vista del Campo, Vista del Campo NorteCamino del Sol, and Puerta del Sol are privately owned and managed apartment communities on the UC Irvine campus, offering furnished apartments to single students. The application process for these communities is different from that which is described above. The application process for these communities is different from that which is described above. You are encouraged to still apply through UCI Housing if you are interested in these options. Please note that leasing contracts for these communities are for 12 months and usually from August to August or September to September.

*******Map of UCI and nearby Off Campus Housing*******