Information for Academic Counselors:

Useful links for Academic Counselors:

  • Choose Your Program – provides students with useful resources such as major specific recommendations, Academic Planning Worksheet and more
  • Academic Advising & Approval process – provides details for students to follow for academic advising on study abroad by School
  • UCI Campus Credit Abroad – database of courses taken abroad by UCI students in previous year and how they counted towards degree requirements
  • UCEAP Course Catalog– database of courses taken abroad by UC students in the past 5 years

Advising Tips & Reminders:

  • GE and minor advising:
    • Academic Counselors from the student’s School of major should advise students about all graduation requirements (e.g. including minors and GE requirements). Keep in mind that most Schools will only meet with students within their majors so Academic Counselors should consult with other appropriate Schools directly if they have questions about how courses from abroad may count.
  • Lower division versus upper division approvals:
    • UCEAP courses that have already been taken are in the UCEAP Course Catalog and are already clearly identified as upper or lower division (1-99 is lower division; 100+ is upper division). Schools have the authority to decide how those courses can fulfill degree requirements.
    • For all other courses (e.g. new UCEAP courses not in the UCEAP Course Catalog or Independent Programs courses), Academic Counselors and/or faculty from the student’s School of major can make the determination of whether they are upper or lower division based on the course descriptions. It’s best to use descriptions rather than course numbers given that programs/institutions abroad may not follow the same numbering system as UCI. Lower division courses typically include words like “introductory” or “fundamental” or anything that’s a broad survey of an entire academic discipline. Upper division courses include more specific details such as advanced or in-depth understanding of particular topic.
  • Language equivalencies:
    • Students should be referred to their major School for language course equivalency information. Academic counselors can consult with Humanities Academic Counselors or the below language contacts for any clarifications but it’s not advised to send students to Humanities as they will be turned away as non-majors.

Department Contacts for Language Course Approval

Language Department Faculty Member
Chinese East Asian Studies Ruohmei Hsieh / Elizabeth Tinsley (Undergraduate Director)
French European Languages and Studies Maryse Mijalski
German European Languages and Studies Glenn Levine
Greek Classics Richard Snyder (Undergraduate Director)
Italian European Languages and Studies James Chiampi
Japanese East Asian Studies Hidemi Riggs / Elizabeth Tinsley (Undergraduate Director)
Korean East Asian Studies Hyun-young Hyun / Elizabeth Tinsley (Undergraduate Director)
Latin Classics Richard Snyder (Undergraduate Director)
Spanish Spanish and Portuguese Lillian Jones

For languages not on this list, contact Whitney Young (she/her/hers), M.S.: (Director, Office of Undergraduate Study, School of Humanities)