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Yes! You can receive credit (units) at UCI for courses taken abroad. The below explains how credit applies for each program option.

“Getting credit” and “fulfilling degree requirements” are two different things:
Getting Credit = how many units will post on your UCI transcript for your courses abroad.
Fulfilling Degree Requirements = whether or not the courses abroad will apply toward your UCI major, minor, or GE requirements.

Credit limitations:
All UCI credit policies continue to apply for study abroad students. For example, credit can only be granted for courses that are UC equivalent (e.g. no credit for Wine Tasting, Fashion Design); no credit for courses that are duplicate of, prerequisite to, or more elementary than courses already taken at UCI, any other collegiate institution, high school language courses, or even AP language exam results; UC will only accept 70 semester (105 quarter) units of credit for lowerdivision coursework completed at any non-UC schools.


  • You will receive UC credit (units, course titles, and grades will post on your UCI transcript).
  • Grades will average into your UCI GPA.
  • You can get credit for an internship (in-person and virtual) if it will be listed on your UCI transcript.

UCI Faculty-Led

  • Whether units are available varies by program. Check with your sponsoring UCI department for details.

UCI Bilateral Exchange Programs

  • Credit is determined upon return by UCI Admissions after review of the official transcript.
  • You may receive transfer credit (units post on your UCI transcript; course titles and grades will post on the transcript of the host institution)
  • Grades will not average into your UCI GPA
  • For units to be granted, the transcript provided by the host institution must be submitted electronically to UCI using the specific vendors or methods listed on the UCI Admissions page and you must submit the Current Student Update form to Admissions.

Other UC Programs

  • You will receive UC credit (units will post on your UCI transcript; course titles and grades will post on the transcript of the Other UC campus).
  • Grades will average into your UCI GPA.
  • You can get credit for the courses associated with an internship program (in-person and virtual) if it will be listed on your UCI transcript.

Independent Programs – Study Option

  • Credit is determined upon return by UCI Admissions after review of the official transcript.
  • You may receive transfer credit (units post on your UCI transcript; course titles and grades will post on the transcript of the host institution)
  • Grades will not average into your UCI GPA
  • The transcript provided by the Independent Program must be from an accredited U.S. or foreign college or university (not a Center, Institute, Academy, etc)
  • For units to be granted, the transcript provided by the Independent program must be submitted electronically to UCI using the specific vendors or methods listed on the UCI Admissions page and you must submit the Current Student Update form to Admissions.
  • Credit for internships are on a case-by-case basis

Independent Programs – Non-Study Option

  • You cannot receive credit for non-study programs

Yes! You can fulfill UCI degree requirements (major, minor, or GE) with courses taken abroad.

  1. Choose a program to focus on. Use the resources at Get Started to help.
  2. Complete the Course Comparison Worksheet.
  3. Follow your School’s Course Approval Process.
    • UCEAP: Follow the Academic Advising and Approval Process for the School of your major(s). Even if you are seeking to fulfill requirements for GEs or a minor, follow the approval process for the School of your major.
    • Other UC Programs: Meet with an Academic Counselor in the School of your major(s), take your completed Course Comparison Worksheet, and discuss the process you need to follow. Even if you are seeking to fulfill requirements for GEs or a minor, meet with the School of your major.
    • Bilateral Exchange Programs:  You are welcome to meet with an Academic Counselor in the School of your major(s) for guidance but credit and fulfillment of degree requirements is determined upon return by UCI Admissions and the School of your major(s). Using the Course Comparison Worksheet can help you understand whether the program may have courses that can count towards your requirements.
    • Independent Programs (Study Options): You are welcome to meet with an Academic Counselor in the School of your major(s) for guidance but credit and fulfillment of degree requirements is determined upon return by UCI Admissions and the School of your major(s). Using the Course Comparison Worksheet allows you to understand whether the program may have courses that can count towards your requirements.

The UCI Residence Requirement states that students must take 36 of their final 45 units of work immediately preceding graduation in residence at UCI (See the UCI Catalog for details). The following is how the university residence requirement applies to students studying abroad. Note that this is distinct from any residency requirements your major or minor may have (see your Academic Counselor in the School of your Major for these details).


  • Students studying abroad on UCEAP are considered “in-residence”.
  • If you plan to study abroad the summer immediately following your senior year, you must postpone your official graduation date until the end of summer. Contact an Academic Counselor in the School of your major to see if it is still possible to participate in commencement ceremony prior to studying abroad.

Other UC Programs, Bilateral Exchange & Independent Programs Study Option:

Please keep in mind that grades can take 2-3 months to post after the program end date. Study Abroad Center advisors can write a letter (for jobs, graduate schools, etc.) to explain why there is a delay.